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Source: Netflix

It’s here, it’s here! Netflix just dropped the trailer for the second half of season five and there’s so much to be excited about. As a whole, the trailer is centered around God coming into the show, which makes sense, as this is a very big deal. The trailer shows the long awaited dinner scene and musical number for the musical episode that we are so eager to see. We also get a glimpse at the havoc that Michael will be causing, new characters returning, and some trouble in paradise for Lucifer and Chloe’s relationship. We watched the trailer over and over to break down everything they gave away for the upcoming season!


Source: Netflix

Finally after only hearing his name on the show for what feels like forever, God is casted! Until now, we’ve only heard His name through the stories told by Lucifer and Amenadiel, most of which are not very fond memories. We know that Lucifer in particular has a lot to work through with his father, which is so needed. We can already tell from the trailer that he will be hard on Lucifer and push him. He asks why his son doesn’t have a desk at the precinct if he is so important and just seems super critical. We can’t wait for Linda to sit them down and make them talk out all the issues. The shot we get of the two of them on the couch sitting as far away from one another as possible just tells us how well that will go.

So why after all this time is God on earth? It is revealed in the trailer that He is retiring! Anyone else think “how is that even possible?!” It seems absurd to think that someone as high and mighty as God can just leave his job post and take a permenent vacation. This could be the reason why He is so hard on Lucifer. Perhaps he is attempting to mold Lucifer into someone that could potentially take over for him. Lucifer seems to think this is what he needs to do so it should be interesting, and comical, to see him scramble to prepare to be the next God. He isn’t the only one with his sights set on the job though, and we are shown in the trailer an awesome shot of Lucifer and Michael battling, wings out and everything.

Apart from the relationships with his children, it will be cool to see his interactions with the rest of the characters, especially during the long awaited dinner scene. It’s going to be so awkward and funny! On the flip side, we get a shot in the trailer of Chloe reprimanding God on his parenting skills. Yikes. But who are we kidding, Chloe is just telling him what we are all thinking! Overall, God is going to be such a huge focal point of the season and we are excited to see his interactions with everyone.


Source: Netflix

We really enjoyed the plot line with Michael last season so we’re happy that it is being carried over into the second half of season 5. He has been such a pain for our characters and he seems to be just as troublesome in 5B as well. He is gathering what looks like an army to back him up on his quest to being the next God. This is going to cause a battle between him and Lucifer throughout the season, both fighting for the title. So who will come out on top? It’s hard to imagine either one of them as God right now on the show, so it will be interesting to see how the season will conclude. There’s still the issue of Hell being empty, a huge issue that didn’t get fully solved when Lucifer came back. That post will need to be permanently filled eventually, and we are thinking Michael might settle for being the new devil instead. Does this mean Lucifer will be God then? We think this is unlikely, but you never know! Either way, we can’t wait to find out what happens with Micheal this season.


Source: Netflix

Last season we left Maze working with Michael in exchange for a soul, something she has wanted for a while. Although it is frustrating that Maze is now working for the enemy, she is only doing what she feels she must to get what she wants. This is very typical behavior for her and we aren’t worried that she will be on his side all season. Once she realizes Michael won’t give her what he has promised, she will switch sides again. So will Maze ever get the soul she desires? It’s possible, but we believe this will be part of her storyline of accepting she doesn’t need an actual soul. She has meaningful relationships and we think through Eve, she will fall in love. Eve will be vital in Maze’s journey this season of helping her understand what it means to “have a soul”. This is going to take a long time and we think most of her storyline this season will revolve around her soul searching and building up her relationship with Eve. We love them together and are so excited for Eve to return!


Source: Netflix

What will happen with Lucifer and Chloes relationship in the second half of season 5? Last season we left the two on a bit of a cliffhanger, with Lucifer seemingly not able to say “I love you” to Chloe. Of course, Amenadiel froze time right in the middle of this conversation so we didn’t get answers. The trailer ends with Lucifer telling Chloe if he ever said those three words to her it would be a lie. So what does this mean for our love birds? There must be a perfectly reasonable explanation for why Lucifer believes this will be a lie. Personally, we think that Lucifer needs to work through his daddy issues before he is able to fully commit himself to saying I love you to Chloe. Even though it’s clear he does love her by his actions, perhaps he feels as though he can’t mean it fully. Mentally Lucifer feels he is incapable of love as the devil, even though we have seen him show acts of love towards the characters on the show. Once he works things through with his father, we believe he will work things out with Chloe as well. There is a voiceover of Lucifer saying he thinks it’s time he work out his relationship with his father so that he can have a relationship. One particular part of the trailer that scares us though is Devil Lucifer choking someone who looks an awful lot like Chloe. Let us know what you think this is about! To us, it looks as though he is trying to prove a point to his father. Maybe he is afraid of hurting Chloe which is why he is holding back saying I love you? We can not wait to get more answers about this!

We do get a few happy glimpses in the trailer of Lucifer and Chloe, including them working together. This is always our favorite part of the show so we hope the road isn’t too rocky this season. The trailer also shows a beautiful shot of them standing together with Chloes head on Lucifer’s shoulder. Fingers crossed this is the end of the season and everything ends happy for Deckerstar!


Source: Netflix

Once we slowed down the trailer, there’s a lot of quick scenes that leave us with questions for the season. We only see Linda a few times, one of which she is conducting therapy with Lucifer and his father. She is also shown slapping Dan! What is that about? This seems so random because the two rarely have any issues together, so that will be interesting for sure. There is a quick shot of Linda crying on Lucifers shoulder, which we think will have something to do with the baby. We know from last season that Charlie is mortal, meaning he can get sick. Michael got into Amenadiel’s head with how he can die, so perhaps he does something rash. Linda is seen later on in the trailer in handcuffs! Maybe this is part of a case? We can’t imagine Chloe and Lucifer are actually arresting her so there must be some sort of explanation. Apart from questioning scenes, we love all the little glimpses of Lucifer and Dan. Those two are such a fun dynamic so we can’t wait to see more of them being friends! Another dynamic we absolutely love is Amenadiel and Lucifer. In the trailer we get a voiceover of him saying that Lucifer has come a long way. We LOVE their relationship and how supportive Amenadiel is. They have grown so close over the seasons.

Overall, this trailer did a good job of not giving away too many major spoilers for the season. It leaves you with more questions than answers, which isn’t a bad thing! Theorizing and predicting is always so much fun with Lucifer. We will all have to wait until May 28th to find out more, but let us know your thoughts in the comments!!

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The trailer for the second half of season 5 has finally dropped! There are so many things to be excited about for the upcoming season. One thing that we are dying to find out answers for is what will happen with Lucifer and Chloe’s relationship?! Last season, we left the two on somewhat rocky grounds, Lucifer seemingly unable to say “I love you”. Of course, time froze at that exact moment and we didn’t get any resolve. In the trailer, Lucifer tells her that if he were to say those three words to her, it would be a lie. So what does this mean for them? We believe there are several reasons as to why Lucifer said this and believes the love he would give to Chloe is not genuine. Let’s figure this out together! Here’s a few of our theories:


This is our top reason that we think would make the most sense in this situation. As the devil, Lucifer feels like he doesn’t have the ability to love in the same way that Chloe can. Human emotions don’t always come natural to Lucifer. We need to remember that prior to coming to earth in season one, he ruled Hell. Yes, he has come a long way since then, but still. It reminds us of the quote,“If you can’t love yourself, how the hell are you going to love somebody else?” Lucifer has a lot of self loathing that he is still working through on the show. Even though we as viewers know Lucifer is capable of loving Chloe, he might not feel as though he can until he loves and accepts himself first. A lot of this could go back to his issues with God. Mentally, Lucifer isn’t ready to take that step in saying I love you when he has things he needs to work through, particularly with his father.


The trailer kind of confirms this will play a role in Lucifer and Chloes relationship this season. We hear a voiceover of Lucifer saying that he must work out his relationship with his father, if he is to have a relationship with Chloe. There is definitely a lot of trauma to work through with God, and it is so needed. Remember, the whole reason why Chloe was put in Lucifer’s path was because of the plan that God had for him. Hopefully after Lucifer gets some peace from solving his daddy issues, then he can finally focus on his relationship with Chloe and allow himself to be vulnerable.


Saying “I love you” for the first time could be scary, so Lucifers fear of giving himself to Chloe completely could be why he feels as though it would be a lie. Maybe he feels the can be that vulnerable in their relationship, especially when he isn’t physically vulnerable anymore. This could also explain why Lucifer isn’t vulnerable anymore around her. Perhaps he subconsciously is shutting her out because he is afraid of admitting his love out loud to her. Although we know from his actions throughout the seasons that Lucifer does in fact feel very deeply about Chloe, saying it out loud is different. And we all know Lucifer isn’t the best at expressing the way he feels to begin.


This reason is probably the least likely, but we figured we would mention it. This was our original theory last season, before he said it would be a lie to say “I love you” in the trailer. This could still turn out to prove true, however it would make the explanation confusing and complex. Maybe when Lucifer became the devil, there was some sort of curse put on him where he is not able to love. Human emotions have always proven difficult for Lucifer so it wouldn’t be too crazy to think. The reason why Lucifer says if he were to say those three words, it would be a lie, is because he isn’t allowed to. Notice how he says “those three words”. In that statement he makes, he won’t even say “if I were to say I love you”. Instead he says those three words. Now this could be totally wrong, but it is definitely interesting to think about. Again, probably the least unlikely theory of ours, but speculating is always fun, and you never know!


This is the theory that we are thinking could be most likely and would be the biggest twist. Perhaps the “three words” that Lucifer is talking about in the trailer aren’t in fact “I love you” but some other three words that WOULD be a lie to him. Chloe could be upset about something more so plot related and not really her relationship with Lucifer. We know from the trailer that there is going to be A LOT more crazy things going on with having God in the picture and what looks to be a war with Michael. Of course when we see Deckerstar talking about “three words” our minds naturally jump to the “I love you” scenario which was one of our biggest questions going into this second half of the season. Perhaps all of that will resolve sooner than we think and there will be another three words that Lucifer may have to utter that would be a lie to him. Having that Deckerstar scene in the trailer definitely creates a ton of speculation but it could also be a misdirection in order to get us all extremely concerned, which we know the Lucifer crew loves to do.


This honestly could be even more far fetched than Lucifer just not being able to say the words, but hear us out here. Surely as an immortal being, Lucifers definition of love is different than that of a humans. It’s possible that he feels as though saying I love you would be a lie because what they have is so much bigger. This could be reaching a tad, but Lucifers mind has always been very complex as the devil, so who knows!

These are just a few possibilities for why Lucifer won’t say I love you and feels as though if he did, it would be a lie. Our heads will definitely be spinning until we get answers. We do think that no matter what happens, they will work through it and end up stronger than ever. All we desire is for the two of them to be happy! What are some of your deckerstar theories? Let us know down below and don’t forget to stream Lucifer season 5b on May 28th!

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Netflix finally released a look at the season 5B trailer! While this is super exciting, the trailer doesn’t give away too much, leaving us with so many questions. Here’s some of the major questions we have going into the season:

  • Why does Lucifer believe that telling Chloe he loves her would be a lie?
  • Why does it look like a devil-faced Lucifer is choking Chloe?
  • Will Lucifer become God? Will Michael?
  • Why is everyone breaking out into song during the musical episode?
  • Who are these random people Lucifer is hugging?
  • Why is Eve back?
  • Why is Linda crying?
  • Why is Linda slapping Dan?
  • Why is Linda in handcuffs?
  • Will Maze get her soul?
  • Will Eve and Maze get together?

What questions do you have after watching the Lucifer season 5B trailer? Comment below what you’re excited to find out more about below!

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5 Things We’re Looking Forward to in Season 5 of Lucifer

After the heartbreaking ending of last season, we are dying to know what season 5 has in store for Lucifer and Chloe’s relationship. Their dynamic is our favorite aspect of the show and we love the progression from season 1 to now.




Photo: Netflix

What do you desire?


After the heartbreaking ending of last season, we are dying to know what season 5 has in store for Lucifer and Chloe’s relationship. Their dynamic is our favorite aspect of the show and we love the progression from season 1 to now. They both make one another better people and it has been a joy to watch them develop from partners to something more romantic. That balcony scene in particular still haunts us, especially since they have officially declared their love for each other. The feelings are out there! They’ll finally be together! Nope, sadly after 4 seasons, the moment fans were waiting for was left on a devastating cliffhanger as Lucifer leaves Chloe to take his place in Hell. However, we know he is going to make his return and we can’t stop speculating over how beautiful and satisfying that reunion is going to be! Have Chloe’s feelings changed for Lucifer since his heartbreaking decision? How will Lucifer feel towards Chloe when coming back? We are holding our breaths in anticipation of the return August 21st!

    NEW SHIPS!  

One ship we are SO excited to see more of in season 5 are Eve and Maze. First off, the representation is amazing and it was clear last season that these two have strong chemistry. Maze befriends Eve and begins to develop feelings for her. We watched as Eve was oblivious to these feelings and was purely focused on getting Lucifer back. A lot of romantic gestures went unnoticed, like when Maze sang to her in an attempt to express her feelings. Of course, this was frustrating to watch, however, the slow burn progression of these two is what makes us love them so much. The writers could have made them just get together in the finale, but that wouldn’t have made sense for Eve’s character arc. She is someone who came to earth and just wanted to get Lucifer back, so it wouldn’t have made sense for her to jump into a relationship right away with Maze. We can’t wait to see Eve stand on her own and grow as an individual on the show because we think her story so far has been so interesting and she has proven to be really badass. We do think that Eve and Maze will grow closer and closer, and in time, we will get canon. It’s going to be beautifully developed and those scenes are definitely one of the top things we are looking forward to.

Ella and Dan have been close friends since the beginning of the show. They have been there for each other through so many difficult times and seeing their slow friendship turn into something more has been sweet. Dan in particular was in a dark place because of his heartbreaking loss, that to finally see him find some kind of happiness was nice. The contrast between Dan’s dark progression and Ella’s light charm made this dynamic even more great to watch.  It was a fun and rewarding surprise to see these two go even further than friendship and lock lips towards the end of season 4! Then in the next episode we see some more cutesy scenes of them being awkward and just not knowing where to go from there. It’s very adorable, innocent, and hilarious. With all the drama and angst happening with most of the couples and characters in season 4, it made it extra sweet to have these two fan favorites share in some steamy bliss, even if it was short. Whether these two are going to stay friends or go forward with a relationship, we can’t wait to see where this relationship goes and how it progresses as it is sure to be really great!


At the end of season 4,Linda gives birth to her and Amenadiels son, Charlie. The birth was so sweet and we love that they honored Charlotte Richards’ memory in this way. We don’t see too much of the both of them as parents, since the baby is kidnapped by Dromos and the demons in an attempt to turn him into the next ruler of hell. When Charlie is born, Amenadiel struggles with bringing him to heaven to be raised there. He loses his faith in the human race and feels the best thing for his son is to take him away from Earth. He doesn’t go through with it however, as he couldn’t bear to take Charlie away from Linda. It’s going to be nice to see him and Linda navigate being parents to a half human, half angel baby in season 5. I’m sure we will get so many sweet family scenes with the three of them and it is going to be adorable.



A family reunion is on the horizon! Lucifer has casted 24’s Dennis Haysbert to play God. Throughout the show, fans have wondered if the show would eventually bring the famous “dad” that Amenadiel and Lucifer argue and frequently talk about. We know how much Lucifer holds a resentment towards his father, it’s going to be interesting to see how that showdown in particular goes down. There has always been a side of Lucifer that was held back and not fully at peace because of the relationship and history with his dad. It’s definitely going to be exciting to see what kind of character he is and how exactly he gets portrayed. What makes him come down? What does he have to say to his kids? What about Chloe? Besides seeing how his relationship with his family is, we are very curious to learn more about his role in uniting Lucifer and Chloe. What about his grandson Charlie? This season there is a half angel/half human baby in play, we can’t help but wonder how that is going to fit into the overall season arc.There is a lot that can happen with this character and a lot to unpack. We can’t wait to see how it all plays out on screen.



It’s finally happening! After seeing little teases here and there on the show of Tom Ellis’s vocal and dancing skills, we are finally getting a musical! The possibilities are endless! What is causing them to break out into song? Are the writers going to tip the hat to Buffy the Vampire Slayer and have a demon follow Lucifer from Hell and show up with the power to have everyone sing out their feelings? No matter what the reasons are, fans everywhere are highly anticipating this episode. Obviously it’s going to be super exciting to see Tom Ellis showcase his talent and voice, but we are just as eagerly thrilled to see all of the other actors bring their own spin to the mix. We can’t help but wonder which musical numbers we’ll get to see. Will Deckerstar have a duet? What about Dan and Ella? Maze and Trixie? Maze and Eve? Amenadiel and Linda?  Amenadiel and Lucifer? What about the new addition of their father, will he get to join in on the music?  Whichever way they spin it, it’s going to be incredible, fun to watch, and we’ll definitely be rewatching and singing along to all the catchy tunes sure to come!

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